Having a progression issue. Supposed to talk to Clarissa, per Smokey, but Clarissa just asks if she can help me.
This directly after I was confronted in front of Lynetts house by Bralen Whitehead after healing the Evil Spirit in the Deep Forest.
Running a C64C in NTSC and using a Kung Fu Flash. Save had been saved and played prior with 1.0, but downloaded and ran the 1.0.1 and loaded my save from disk, but no change.
So, restored from previous save. Before I'd gone up and to the left after the Braylen encounter, this time I got a different objective to go to the Deep Forest walking directly left of where I was in front of Chandler's Home.
Awesome! I would love to play this on a real C64, so I guess I have to find out what I need to flash a cartridge. Never done that before. Buying an Easyflash 3 is enough, right?
Man man man this is a great game. Bought it two days ago and already have six hours playtime on it. I am so very impressed with this game and it doesn't let me go. :-D
Stuck at the moment, trying to figure out how to get further ;-)
found a bug when exiting the cavern after retrieving clarissa's ring ....a pop op message comes up in purple "hint" and game crashes. I will retry to see if i get the same issue
hmmmm if i use new version with vice i lost all progress....i retried v1.0 and this how it freezes. Is there any way i can reuse the save games in 1.01 and not start over ?
no worries. I created a blank disk, launched v1.0, loaded the cart, saved to disk, launched v1.0.1 and loaded the save ...i will try from there. Thanks for the help :)
What a great game!!! Normaly im not a Fan of this kind of RPG, but since the c64 realy needed such a game, i gave it a try and Boy it hit me. Graphics, Sound, Gameplay and Story are realy great. I already bought all of your Shoot em ups and loved them [ even the one you dont like youself ]. Are the Books avaible in German? Could not find them. Thanks for another great Game!
Am in the game for a couple of hours now. Is it correct that the cauldron consumes water flasks in its completeness? So.. just not the water inside the flask, but the whole flask? I ran out of flasks, and now I cannot haul any more water from the river...
It should turn water flasks into empty flasks, and then you can refill them at the river. Also, there should be an empty flask on the shelf inside the Baxter's home, so you should never run out of flasks.
Then there is a small glitch :) The spell with which you gaze in the cauldron consumes the whole flask, and does not give an empty flask back. Thanks for the hint on the empty flasks in Baxter's home though. That allows me to continue. Really liking the game. Light hearted jrpg that is on par with the Enix classics - just with a better story :)
same here.. If I'm not mistaken I had 5 flasks at the beginning.. Now i'm down to 3 (after approx 7 hours of play time).. Haven't noticed when exactly they got consumed...
thanks.. I was on v1.00 till now but updated to v1.02 moment ago and carrying on with the game.. Love it.. I only wish manual was more printer friendly with white background and black text... So that I don't need gallon of ink to print it out.
hello Sara could you create a compatible cartridge version for CCS64? having already tried the Vice, I can conclude that qualitatively it is lower and much lower than the CCS64 (and how to have the REAL C64 !!) I hope in your goodness of all I have said, and sorry for the eventual inconvenience. Congratulations to Soul Force, really beautiful and pure Zeta Wing !! Best wishes for your future projects.
Thanks for the feedback, my opinion from someone who had the C64 during his childhood in the early 80s does not change one iota, because for me the C64 of that time HAD the same qualities of the CCS64 !!! Plus Soul Force and Zeta Wing are GORGEOUS with CCS64! Enjoy.
I can't believe what you are able to do with the C64! You are a genius! I just purchased it and am going to give it a go. Thanks for all the love and joy you pour into your games. It really shines through them to us that get to experience their magic.
Been playing for a while this evening. Really enjoyable. Seems like a large world to explore and many things to discover. Great work, Sarah! Working well so far on PAL U64 in a breadbin with latest firmware.
If I may ask, after loosing 2 hours gameplay today, how do you manage to save ? To a .d64 or inside the .crt ? If inside the .crt, how do you do that ?
I probably lost my gameplay as well. I rebooted from U64 menu, and my save was there, but did not completely power off and boot. I should have tested doing the F5 save cartridge function to check. I will check tonight, but pretty certain my save is gone which sucks because the button pushing to get through story and running around will take some time to get back. I should have known because I have done the save cartridge function before for an easyflash game.
Awesome. Probably in the manual, but I skimmed that while playing. Thanks. I will also run from any battle I can which saves some time. I will be showing this game to my 10 year old daughter tonight and can't wait for her to see it. If there are future updates or bug fixes, Sebastian says "be be" in a sentence at the cut scene intro to him. Also, in the manual it says 'for' instead of 'four' on one note near the beginning. Love all you do. Your passion for the story and coding for this machine shows here. Thank you.
No luck with saving game on cart for U64 so far. The only thing that works for me is saving to a d64 disk file. Not sure what the issue is. Maybe I need a physical EasyFlash3 Cart and load the game onto that for it to work? I think I got Sam's Journey Gmod2 cart to save, but that is a different format.
When the game saves to EasyFlash, the U64 only writes that into RAM, to save this across power cycles, you have to manually save it back to the SD in the U64 menu. So overall, saving to disk is probably more convenient on the U64. (This is a limitation of the U64 EasyFlash support and also applies to other EasyFlash titles when played on the U64.)
Purchased and gave it a short test run. Got to the point where Briley arrives at the Leofard's home. The gameplay is quite enjoyable. Looking forward to play more. Thanks, Sarah, for another quality title.
This is super polished Sarah. I haven't even scratched the surface yet. I need to play on hardware though to get the full 'feelz'. Such a lovely game for us C64 goobers. Well done on yet another fantastic title.
I can't believe you did that. I really find it so amazing that this has happened, it's a breakthrough I'd never thought would come. Yes, I'm excited for this to be a game on the Commodore 64, and I shouldn't really be focusing on that, I know. I'm going to enjoy and binge through the game now! :3 You've done something so amazing! I've never dared to really say it: I was waiting for this, the most. There are so many shooting type games on the breadbin, but this? This is unique. There is, and likely never again will be, anything else like this. Unless you make a sequel, purrhaps. :3
Yes I enjoyed the shooting type games too, but I am terrible at them. And I'm a big sucker for stories, and story telling. Briley Witch is a game everyone who ever played games on the C64, should see at least once. Thank you!!
PS: I'm using a C64 Maxi, and I prefer other joysticks than the one that's supplied. That means my only way of starting the game, is to press B on the keyboard. Which means there is no Joystick available after that. I force the Maxi to default to Joystick in port 1, and that way it kind of works, but I press the menu key, and then return, the game won't let me steer down. After I activate and deactivate the TheC64 menu, it works again though, so I'm glad there's my workaround. Long story short: I'm glad it also has keyboard controls, if nothing else works. :3
Great Game, Sarah. But it think there is something wrong with the save slots. I've flahed the crt to my real EasyFlash 3 cartridge, using the Ultimate 64 Elite board. The save slots 1 and 2 gives me a "Game Save Failed!" error message. The slots 3 and 4 seems fine though.
edit: Strange, after the 4-5th time saving in slot 1 and 2 works now. Will have an eye on it.
Probably related to the cartridge settings in the Ultimate 64 board. I switched the "Bus Operation Mode" from "Quiet" to "Dyn. & Writes" and it works stable now.
← Return to game
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Having a progression issue. Supposed to talk to Clarissa, per Smokey, but Clarissa just asks if she can help me.
This directly after I was confronted in front of Lynetts house by Bralen Whitehead after healing the Evil Spirit in the Deep Forest.
Running a C64C in NTSC and using a Kung Fu Flash. Save had been saved and played prior with 1.0, but downloaded and ran the 1.0.1 and loaded my save from disk, but no change.
So, restored from previous save. Before I'd gone up and to the left after the Braylen encounter, this time I got a different objective to go to the Deep Forest walking directly left of where I was in front of Chandler's Home.
Can this be played off of a BackBit ?
I cant get it to do anything past the boot up screen.
Awesome! I would love to play this on a real C64, so I guess I have to find out what I need to flash a cartridge. Never done that before. Buying an Easyflash 3 is enough, right?
Yes, that would do it. I'm using a Kung Fu Flash cartridge on my real C64.
Oohh that's available in 10 different colors! I think I have made up my mind. :-) Thanks Sarah!
Man man man this is a great game. Bought it two days ago and already have six hours playtime on it. I am so very impressed with this game and it doesn't let me go. :-D
Stuck at the moment, trying to figure out how to get further ;-)
Can I help in any way?
I'm sure you can, but that would include placing a spoiler here ;-) If I really can't get unstuck I might contact you. Thanks for the offer.
I succeeded! Now at about 11hrs playtime ;-)
found a bug when exiting the cavern after retrieving clarissa's ring ....a pop op message comes up in purple "hint" and game crashes. I will retry to see if i get the same issue
Oops! Well, I'm sure I can fix that!
Update: Hmm... this is not reproducing on mine. Perhaps v1.0.1 has fixed the issue. I'll release v1.0.1 later today.
hmmmm if i use new version with vice i lost all progress....i retried v1.0 and this how it freezes. Is there any way i can reuse the save games in 1.01 and not start over ?
If you could send me your crt file I could run it on mine and take a look.
Otherwise, if you mount a disk image in Vice with v1.0, you can save to disk. Then run the new version, and load the save from disk.
no worries. I created a blank disk, launched v1.0, loaded the cart, saved to disk, launched v1.0.1 and loaded the save ...i will try from there. Thanks for the help :)
just retried - bug passed ! i can continue the quest :)
What a great game!!! Normaly im not a Fan of this kind of RPG, but since the c64 realy needed such a game, i gave it a try and Boy it hit me. Graphics, Sound, Gameplay and Story are realy great. I already bought all of your Shoot em ups and loved them [ even the one you dont like youself ]. Are the Books avaible in German? Could not find them. Thanks for another great Game!
Sorry, the books are only available in English.
Am in the game for a couple of hours now. Is it correct that the cauldron consumes water flasks in its completeness? So.. just not the water inside the flask, but the whole flask? I ran out of flasks, and now I cannot haul any more water from the river...
It should turn water flasks into empty flasks, and then you can refill them at the river. Also, there should be an empty flask on the shelf inside the Baxter's home, so you should never run out of flasks.
Then there is a small glitch :) The spell with which you gaze in the cauldron consumes the whole flask, and does not give an empty flask back. Thanks for the hint on the empty flasks in Baxter's home though. That allows me to continue.
Really liking the game. Light hearted jrpg that is on par with the Enix classics - just with a better story :)
There are more flasks to be found down near the river too... inside a chest... Also... I'll check that glitch.
same here.. If I'm not mistaken I had 5 flasks at the beginning.. Now i'm down to 3 (after approx 7 hours of play time).. Haven't noticed when exactly they got consumed...
You can get more flasks by taking an empty one off the shelf in the Baxter's house; it's the white one, so grab that and refill it down at the river.
thanks.. I was on v1.00 till now but updated to v1.02 moment ago and carrying on with the game.. Love it..
I only wish manual was more printer friendly with white background and black text... So that I don't need gallon of ink to print it out.
I'm working on a printer friendly version.
New more printer-friendly manual added!
You're simply the best! Thanks
Chapeau Sarah! Instandly fell in love with Smokey 😍 Thanks for this great and long awaited game.
CCS64 does not support the Easyflash format. CCS64 is an older emulator, which has not been updated for years now. Vice is really much better.
Watched hellfire64 play this on Twitch last night and had to buy it. Now I'm looking forward to having a go myself. Excellent work Sarah.
Very nice new game Sarah, made with attention to detail. Superb work.
I always do my best!
I can't believe what you are able to do with the C64! You are a genius! I just purchased it and am going to give it a go. Thanks for all the love and joy you pour into your games. It really shines through them to us that get to experience their magic.
Just purchased , cant wait to try this out. Many thanks for releasing amazing games on the c64 ;-]
Congratulations on releasing Briley Witch, Sarah. Now it's time for me to sit on the couch and enjoy this fantastic achievement! Can't wait :-)
Been playing for a while this evening. Really enjoyable. Seems like a large world to explore and many things to discover. Great work, Sarah! Working well so far on PAL U64 in a breadbin with latest firmware.
If I may ask, after loosing 2 hours gameplay today, how do you manage to save ? To a .d64 or inside the .crt ? If inside the .crt, how do you do that ?
I probably lost my gameplay as well. I rebooted from U64 menu, and my save was there, but did not completely power off and boot. I should have tested doing the F5 save cartridge function to check. I will check tonight, but pretty certain my save is gone which sucks because the button pushing to get through story and running around will take some time to get back. I should have known because I have done the save cartridge function before for an easyflash game.
You can use the F7 key to skip through cutscenes.
Awesome. Probably in the manual, but I skimmed that while playing. Thanks. I will also run from any battle I can which saves some time.
I will be showing this game to my 10 year old daughter tonight and can't wait for her to see it.
If there are future updates or bug fixes, Sebastian says "be be" in a sentence at the cut scene intro to him. Also, in the manual it says 'for' instead of 'four' on one note near the beginning.
Love all you do. Your passion for the story and coding for this machine shows here. Thank you.
Fixed the manual typo and uploaded the new version. As for the game, I guess I'd better put out a v1.0.1 soon.
No luck with saving game on cart for U64 so far. The only thing that works for me is saving to a d64 disk file. Not sure what the issue is. Maybe I need a physical EasyFlash3 Cart and load the game onto that for it to work? I think I got Sam's Journey Gmod2 cart to save, but that is a different format.
When the game saves to EasyFlash, the U64 only writes that into RAM, to save this across power cycles, you have to manually save it back to the SD in the U64 menu. So overall, saving to disk is probably more convenient on the U64. (This is a limitation of the U64 EasyFlash support and also applies to other EasyFlash titles when played on the U64.)
Purchased and gave it a short test run. Got to the point where Briley arrives at the Leofard's home. The gameplay is quite enjoyable. Looking forward to play more. Thanks, Sarah, for another quality title.
Very good! Waiting for the physical release. Protovision, right?
I am sorry but it seems that no ... https://twitter.com/Protovision64/status/1453252890651471880?s=20
Oh. That's sad. I collect physical C64 cartridge releases. Oh, well. Still: Game looks gorgeous.
It does indeed! I just bought it but I did not have the opportunity to try it yet
Here read this news it explain how the stand of physical release is: https://www.protovision.games/index.php?language=en#news
Downloaded and really REALLY excited to start playing!
This is as good as it looked, right on!
Wow! I've only played it for a few minutes...amazing game for an even more amazing price! Hope to sink my teeth in when the holidays come.
Awesome ! A full blown title for Halloween and it’s from *you* , our superstar of quality games in the past few years.
Thank you for doing these wonderful games and sharing them with us Sarah !
This is a perfect reason to swipe the dust off my U64 and play a C64 game on the weekend.
This is super polished Sarah. I haven't even scratched the surface yet. I need to play on hardware though to get the full 'feelz'.
Such a lovely game for us C64 goobers.
Well done on yet another fantastic title.
I need italian translation!
Can't wait to load it up :)
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!
Congrats on the release Sarah, it's fantastic from what I've played so far, thank you so much :)
Hey, long time, no see!
Hey there chum! Yeah I haven't really been too active on the internet for a while to be honest, had a few things going on but it's all good :)
Just purchased the game - looking forward to playing it
very good
The first 45 minutes of gameplay. Great game!
Amazing work! Congrats Sarah!
Super Excited to play this Sarah! Thank you so much for all your amazing hard work :)
I can't believe you did that. I really find it so amazing that this has happened, it's a breakthrough I'd never thought would come. Yes, I'm excited for this to be a game on the Commodore 64, and I shouldn't really be focusing on that, I know. I'm going to enjoy and binge through the game now! :3 You've done something so amazing! I've never dared to really say it: I was waiting for this, the most. There are so many shooting type games on the breadbin, but this? This is unique. There is, and likely never again will be, anything else like this. Unless you make a sequel, purrhaps. :3
Yes I enjoyed the shooting type games too, but I am terrible at them. And I'm a big sucker for stories, and story telling. Briley Witch is a game everyone who ever played games on the C64, should see at least once. Thank you!!
PS: I'm using a C64 Maxi, and I prefer other joysticks than the one that's supplied. That means my only way of starting the game, is to press B on the keyboard. Which means there is no Joystick available after that. I force the Maxi to default to Joystick in port 1, and that way it kind of works, but I press the menu key, and then return, the game won't let me steer down. After I activate and deactivate the TheC64 menu, it works again though, so I'm glad there's my workaround. Long story short: I'm glad it also has keyboard controls, if nothing else works. :3
I looked forward to this release!! Grazie SarahJaneAvory!!
Been waiting for this for a long time! So excited to see it pop up just before Halloween! Will be covering it very soon on Sprite Castle Podcast!
I just had to buy this game as soon as it came out.
And I will definitely buy a physical release as well if there will be any :-)
Really impressive so far. Works great on the BackBit Pro as well.
Can the software download be used in an emulator such as Vice instead of requiring real hardware and EasyFlash?
Yes, it works perfectly on VICE. In fact I use VICE primarily for testing.
Is it only Easyflash and no d64 files please?
It's EasyFlash cartridge image only, as the game just wouldn't work on disk.
Would not work on disk because? I am thinking of the "Sparkle 2" IRQ-loader solution by Sparta/GP. I presume that would have worked?
Works wonderfully as cartridge, as Sarah intended I guess.
You put soo much effort into this awesome game so I put 10 bucks on top of the recommended price! You deserve it!
Thank you very much!
Got it! Thanks Sarah for your amazing work!
Great Game, Sarah. But it think there is something wrong with the save slots. I've flahed the crt to my real EasyFlash 3 cartridge, using the Ultimate 64 Elite board. The save slots 1 and 2 gives me a "Game Save Failed!" error message. The slots 3 and 4 seems fine though.
edit: Strange, after the 4-5th time saving in slot 1 and 2 works now. Will have an eye on it.
That's strange... Not seen any problems with my U64. I'll give it a thorough check later.
Probably related to the cartridge settings in the Ultimate 64 board. I switched the "Bus Operation Mode" from "Quiet" to "Dyn. & Writes" and it works stable now.
That's good to hear.